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[vdr] First Pre-Release of vdradmin 0.90


I know, a early pre release is not worth a big announcement, so I'll cut it
short: Tom and I decided to jump to version 0.90-pre1 (last stable was 0.23)
to indicate that we think the main features of vdradmin are now covered and
version 1.0 could be released in near future.

The big differences between 0.23 and 0.90-pre1 are in short:
  - new (german) layout (english will follow soon)
  - french translation
  - subfolders for the recordings
  - TV mode
  - disk usage of recordings (vdr >= 1.1.29)
  - patch for the analogtv plugin and apache 2.0.40
  - major changes in autotimer
  - new timer observation, allows to keep track of EPG changes for
    timers and autotimers (prevents multiple-autotimers and double-entries
    by using the event_id)

You'll find this pre-version, I repeat PRE-VERSION (which is probably
absolutely unstable on other systems than ours ;-) ) at:
And please have a look at the HISTORY for some notes about side effects and
how to use the new synchronisation between EPG and your timers.

If you have problems (with this new version) or just have a patch, you can
contact Tom and me at:

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