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[vdr] Re: BUG in Broken stream detection ??

Tilo Renkl wrote:
> Hi again,
> > Well, you already answered your own question: live viewing is
> > done directly on
> > the primary device (unless it needs Transfer Mode), and
> > recording is done on
> > the second device. Being able to view a channel on the
> > primary device doesn't
> > necessarily mean that the same (or any other channel) can be
> > received on the
> > second device, since maybe the many channel switches done by
> > the EPG scanner
> > have irritated the driver so that it needs a relaod.
> My VDR can receive very chanel on both cards, and even if I swap
> cards or cable this happens. Maybe I shall disable EPG scans for
> a test, but is it possibe to change this broken stream procedure,
> so that VDR does not restart immediately but retunes the channel
> one or two times bevor giving up and doing an emergency exit ?
> Where can I find the apropriate code ?

The real solution would be to fix the driver.
I really can't understand why the driver refuses to receive
a given channel after there have been many transponder changes
due to the EPG scan.

BTW: here on my system the EPG scan runs around the clock on my second
(Win-TV NOVA-S) and third (Siemens DVB-S 1.3) card, and I don't remember
when the last time was that a restart due to a recording on one of
these cards happened...

> >...
> Found this one in another posting, maybe this is the same problem
> and a solution for it:
> >> This is why I said it's a priority problem. VDR should first make
> >> sure the CAM is ready to decrypt before launching any kind of
> >> recording action (even if this means the timer should have
> >> already started as the case after a Em-Exit & Restart)
> > The same problem occours here, but ive made a workaround for me. It could
> > possible help you. This patch deactivates the initiation of a timer for 30
> > seconds after restart of vdr.

I don't think this is related to your problem.


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