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[vdr] Re: Newbie questions

Am Dienstag, 27. Mai 2003 18:22 schrieb Bud Millwood:
> > > 2. How do most of you debug VDR and its plugins? I tried gdb, but it
> > > seemed to have some problems.
> >
> > fprintf ? :)
> Hehe - yeah, I thought so. I guess my gdb suggestion sounded *totally* out
> there. :)

gdb works just fine. There are two things to take care of:
- only single-step code compiled with -O0, not -O2. The optimization makes
 line number information somewhat useless.
- you can only place breakpoints in plugins after they have been dlopen'ed.
  I always do a "br vdr.c:336". At that point the plugins are loaded.

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