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[vdr] [PATCH] Easy Input

this patch implements an easyer method for writing text in  
text input fields. It works like text input in mobile phones.  
It uses the keys 0-9, every key has several characters assigned.  
1: -.#~,/_@1  
2: abcäåá2  
3: defé3  
4: ghi4  
5: jkl5  
6: mnoöñó6  
7: pqrs7  
8: tuvüú8  
9: wxyz9  
0: space, 0  
For example, if you want the character o, you have to press the key 6  
three times.  
You can use it simultaneously with the normal text input method (up/down).  
The patch works with every version of VDR since 1.1.25, and should also 
work with the upcoming 1.2.0 final. I hope you will find it useful :) 
Get it here: 

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