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[vdr] vdr-1.2.1-calendar-patch
As I like the calendar-patch, I made a diff vor the latest vdr-1.2.1.
Maybe you like it. (I do!)
I have not coded this patch, just adjusted, so it fits to newer
vdr-versions (some bits shameless stolen from vdr-"nessy"-version, that I
can't use 'cause I only own a Nova and a DXR3).
This is what it looks like:
to patch (well, you know how to do this, but anyway):
cd /your/vdr-1.2.1/dir/
patch -p1 -E < /path/to/patch/vdr-1.2.1-calendar.diff
To see the calendar:
Press Menu - Schedule
(direkt call like the green button gives the old schedule; that's not a bug
but a feature!)
Frank (aka Taros666)
diff -U 3 -H -b -B -d -N -a -- vdr-1.2.1/Makefile vdr-1.2.1calendar/Makefile
--- vdr-1.2.1/Makefile Mon Jan 6 13:28:09 2003
+++ vdr-1.2.1calendar/Makefile Mon Jun 9 20:20:48 2003
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
OSDFONT = -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--23-*-100-100-p-*-iso8859-1
FIXFONT = -adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--25-*-100-100-m-*-iso8859-1
ifndef NO_KBD
Common subdirectories: vdr-1.2.1/PLUGINS and vdr-1.2.1calendar/PLUGINS
diff -U 3 -H -b -B -d -N -a -- vdr-1.2.1/i18n.c vdr-1.2.1calendar/i18n.c
--- vdr-1.2.1/i18n.c Mon Jun 9 20:22:55 2003
+++ vdr-1.2.1calendar/i18n.c Mon Jun 9 20:50:07 2003
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
"Què fan ara?",
{ "What's on next?",
- "Was läuft als nächstes?",
+ "Was als nächstes?",
"Kaj sledi?",
"Prossimi programmi",
"Wat komt er hierna?",
Common subdirectories: vdr-1.2.1/libdtv and vdr-1.2.1calendar/libdtv
diff -U 3 -H -b -B -d -N -a -- vdr-1.2.1/menu.c vdr-1.2.1calendar/menu.c
--- vdr-1.2.1/menu.c Mon Jun 9 20:22:55 2003
+++ vdr-1.2.1calendar/menu.c Mon Jun 9 21:37:42 2003
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
#include "status.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include "videodir.h"
+#ifdef CALENDER
+#include <assert.h>
+#endif // CALENDER
#define MENUTIMEOUT 120 // seconds
#define MAXWAIT4EPGINFO 3 // seconds
@@ -1172,6 +1175,399 @@
return state;
+#ifdef CALENDER
+static int CompareSchedules(const void *p1, const void *p2)
+ int c1nr=9999; // there should be no one with more than 9999 channels
+ int c2nr=9999;
+ cChannel *c2 = Channels.GetByChannelID((*(const cSchedule **)p2)->GetChannelID());
+ if( c2 ) c2nr = c2->Number();
+ cChannel *c1 = Channels.GetByChannelID((*(const cSchedule **)p1)->GetChannelID());
+ if( c1 ) c1nr = c1->Number();
+ return
+ c1nr - c2nr;
+// --- cMenuWhatsOnCalItem ------------------------------------------------------
+#define cMenuWhatsOnCalStart (120)
+#define cMenuWhatsOnCalSize (500)
+#define cMenuWhatsOnCalTimeIntervall (2*60*60) // in seconds
+#define cMenuWhatsOnCalinter (60*30)
+class cMenuWhatsOnCalItem : public cOsdItem {
+ // const cEventInfo *eventInfo;
+ cMenuWhatsOnCalItem(const cSchedule *Schedule, time_t *now);
+ ~cMenuWhatsOnCalItem();
+ virtual void Display(int Offset = -1, eDvbColor FgColor = clrWhite, eDvbColor BgColor = clrBackground);
+ protected:
+ cBitmap *progressBar;
+ bool showProgressBar;
+ float percent;
+#define MAX_SPLITS 50
+ int maxelem;
+ int von[MAX_SPLITS],bis[MAX_SPLITS],now_in_pixel;
+ const char *title[MAX_SPLITS];
+ void DrawProgressBar(eDvbColor FgColor, eDvbColor BgColor);
+ void CalcNew(void);
+ time_t *now;
+ public:
+ const cSchedule *schedule;
+ /* if( progressBar )
+ delete progressBar;*/
+static void WriteTexttoBitmap(cBitmap *bitm,const char *text,int posx,int maxx,bool center,eDvbColor FgColor, eDvbColor BgColor){
+ int maxlen = maxx-posx-6;
+ // count size of text;
+ int count=0;
+ while(text[count] != '\0' && maxlen > 0){
+ maxlen -= cOsd::Width(text[count]);
+ count++;
+ }
+ if( maxlen < 0 ) // string is to big
+ count--; // else string is small enough
+ // center the text:
+ if( maxlen < 0 || !center ) maxlen=0;
+ if( count > 0 ){
+ char *shortertext= NULL;
+ asprintf(&shortertext, "%.*s", count , text);
+ bitm->Text(posx+3+(maxlen/2),1,shortertext , FgColor ,BgColor);
+ }
+void cMenuWhatsOnCalItem::DrawProgressBar(eDvbColor FgColor, eDvbColor BgColor)
+ assert(progressBar != NULL );
+ int width = progressBar->Width();
+ int height = progressBar->Height();
+ progressBar->Fill(0, 0, width-1, height-1, BgColor);
+ // Write Text first ( clears lines with big fonts )
+ // write the text into the cells
+ for(int i=0;i<maxelem;i++){
+ WriteTexttoBitmap(progressBar,title[i],von[i],bis[i],true,FgColor,BgColor);
+ }
+ for(int x=0;x<width;x++) {
+ progressBar->SetPixel(x, 0, FgColor);
+ progressBar->SetPixel(x, 1, FgColor);
+ progressBar->SetPixel(x,height-1, FgColor);
+ progressBar->SetPixel(x,height-2, FgColor);
+ }
+ // draw the splits
+ for(int i=0;i<maxelem;i++){
+ for(int y=0;y<progressBar->Height();y++){
+ if(von[i] > 0 ){
+ progressBar->SetPixel(von[i], y, FgColor);
+ progressBar->SetPixel(von[i]-1, y, FgColor);
+ }
+ if(bis[i] < width-1 ){
+ progressBar->SetPixel(bis[i], y, FgColor);
+ progressBar->SetPixel(bis[i]+1, y, FgColor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Draw NOW-LINE
+ if(now_in_pixel != -1){
+ for(int y=0;y<(progressBar->Height()-1);y+=4){
+ progressBar->SetPixel(now_in_pixel, y, FgColor);
+ progressBar->SetPixel(now_in_pixel, y+1, FgColor);
+ if( now_in_pixel+1 < progressBar->Width()-1){
+ progressBar->SetPixel(now_in_pixel+1, y, FgColor);
+ progressBar->SetPixel(now_in_pixel+1, y+1, FgColor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void cMenuWhatsOnCalItem::CalcNew(void){
+ maxelem=0;
+ now_in_pixel =(int) (((float)( time(NULL) - (*now) )*(float)cMenuWhatsOnCalSize)/ (float)cMenuWhatsOnCalTimeIntervall) ;
+ if ( now_in_pixel < 0 ) now_in_pixel =-1;
+ if ( now_in_pixel >cMenuWhatsOnCalSize) now_in_pixel =-1;
+ for(int i=0;i< schedule->NumEvents(); i++){
+ const cEventInfo *inf;
+ inf = schedule->GetEventNumber(i);
+ if( inf ){
+ title[maxelem]=inf->GetTitle();
+ long starttime = inf->GetTime() - (*now);
+ von[maxelem] =(int)( ((float)starttime*(float)cMenuWhatsOnCalSize) / (float)cMenuWhatsOnCalTimeIntervall) ;
+ if(von[maxelem]<0) von[maxelem]=0;
+ if(von[maxelem]>cMenuWhatsOnCalSize) von[maxelem]=cMenuWhatsOnCalSize;
+ long endtime = inf->GetTime() - (*now) + inf->GetDuration() ;
+ bis[maxelem] =(int)( ((float)endtime*(float)cMenuWhatsOnCalSize) / (float)cMenuWhatsOnCalTimeIntervall) ;
+ if(bis[maxelem]>cMenuWhatsOnCalSize) bis[maxelem] = cMenuWhatsOnCalSize;
+ if(bis[maxelem]<0) bis[maxelem]=0;
+ if((starttime >= 0 && starttime < (cMenuWhatsOnCalTimeIntervall)) ||
+ (endtime >= 0 && endtime < (cMenuWhatsOnCalTimeIntervall))){
+ assert ( maxelem < MAX_SPLITS );
+ maxelem++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+cMenuWhatsOnCalItem::cMenuWhatsOnCalItem(const cSchedule *Schedule,
+ time_t *Now)
+ now=Now;
+ schedule=Schedule;
+ progressBar = NULL;
+ char *buffer = NULL;
+ cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(schedule->GetChannelID());
+ asprintf(&buffer, "%.*s", 10, channel ? channel->Name() : "???");
+ SetText(buffer, false);
+ progressBar = new cBitmap(cMenuWhatsOnCalSize, 27, 2);
+void cMenuWhatsOnCalItem::Display(int Offset, eDvbColor FgColor, eDvbColor BgColor)
+ // DISPLAY this ITEM with aktual time.
+ CalcNew();
+ // DRAW it on Screen
+ cOsdItem::Display(Offset, FgColor, BgColor);
+ if( progressBar){
+ DrawProgressBar(userColor ? fgColor : FgColor, userColor ? bgColor : BgColor);
+ Interface->SetBitmap(cMenuWhatsOnCalStart, (offset+2)*27, *progressBar);
+ }
+// --- cMenuWhatsOnCal ----------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuWhatsOnCal : public cOsdMenu {
+ eOSState Switch(void);
+ static time_t jetzt;
+ static int currentChannel;
+ cBitmap *timeLine;
+ void ChangeTimeLine(eDvbColor FgColor=clrWhite, eDvbColor BgColor=clrBackground);
+ cMutexLock mutexLock;
+ cMenuWhatsOnCal();
+ ~cMenuWhatsOnCal();
+ static int CurrentChannel(void) { return currentChannel; }
+ static void SetCurrentChannel(int ChannelNr) { currentChannel = ChannelNr; }
+ virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+ };
+time_t cMenuWhatsOnCal::jetzt=0;
+int cMenuWhatsOnCal::currentChannel=0;
+#define cMenuWhatsOnCalMore 30
+ /* if(timeLine)
+ delete timeLine ; */
+void cMenuWhatsOnCal::ChangeTimeLine(eDvbColor FgColor, eDvbColor BgColor){
+ if(timeLine){
+ int width = timeLine->Width();
+ int height = timeLine->Height();
+ timeLine->Fill(0, 0, width-1, height-1, BgColor);
+ /*
+ for(int x=0;x<width;x++){
+ timeLine->SetPixel(x,0,FgColor);
+ timeLine->SetPixel(x,height-1,FgColor);
+ }
+ for(int y=0;y<height;y++){
+ timeLine->SetPixel(0,y,FgColor);
+ timeLine->SetPixel(width-1,y,FgColor);
+ }
+ */
+ int interv = (cMenuWhatsOnCalSize*cMenuWhatsOnCalinter)/cMenuWhatsOnCalTimeIntervall;
+ time_t j = jetzt; // hope this copys
+ int sizetime = (cOsd::Width('5')*5)/2;
+ // insert times
+ for(int x=cMenuWhatsOnCalMore;x<width;x+=(interv)){ // entry every 30 Minutes.
+ if( (x-sizetime) > 0 && (x+sizetime) < (width-1) ){
+ timeLine->SetPixel(x+1, height-2, FgColor);
+ timeLine->SetPixel(x+1, height-3, FgColor);
+ timeLine->SetPixel(x-1, height-2, FgColor);
+ timeLine->SetPixel(x-1, height-3, FgColor);
+ timeLine->SetPixel(x, height-4, FgColor);
+ // write timestamp here
+ static char szTime[25];
+ struct tm tm_r;
+ strftime(szTime, sizeof(szTime), "%R", localtime_r(&j, &tm_r));
+ // printf("Time: %s \n", szTime);
+ WriteTexttoBitmap(timeLine,szTime,x-sizetime,width,false,FgColor,BgColor);
+ }
+ j +=cMenuWhatsOnCalinter;
+ }
+ // draw line
+ for(int x=cMenuWhatsOnCalMore;x<width;x++){
+ timeLine->SetPixel(x, height-1, FgColor);
+ timeLine->SetPixel(x, height-2, FgColor);
+ }
+ SetTitleTime( tr("What's on now?") ,timeLine,cMenuWhatsOnCalStart-cMenuWhatsOnCalMore,27);
+ }
+ :cOsdMenu( tr("What's on now?") , 12, 6){
+ const cSchedules *Schedules;
+ Schedules = cSIProcessor::Schedules(mutexLock);
+ currentChannel = Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel())->Number();
+ // get into "jetzt" a time which is roundet ( 15 min )
+ jetzt = time(NULL);
+ jetzt -= 60*10; // startline should be not at start
+ // try this one ????
+ bool timok=true;
+ do{
+ static char szTime[25];
+ struct tm tm_r;
+ strftime(szTime, sizeof(szTime), "%R", localtime_r(&jetzt, &tm_r));
+ if( ( szTime[3] == '1' && szTime[4] == '5')
+ || ( szTime[3] == '0' && szTime[4] == '0')
+ || ( szTime[3] == '3' && szTime[4] == '0')
+ || ( szTime[3] == '4' && szTime[4] == '5') ) timok=false;
+ else
+ jetzt -=60;
+ }while( timok );
+ // tried it this way -> but could be done better
+ timeLine=NULL;
+ timeLine = new cBitmap(cMenuWhatsOnCalSize+cMenuWhatsOnCalMore, 27, 2);
+ ChangeTimeLine();
+ const cSchedule *Schedule = Schedules->First();
+ // const cEventInfo **pArray = NULL;
+ const cSchedule **pArray = NULL;
+ int num = 0;
+ while (Schedule) {
+ pArray = (const cSchedule **)realloc(pArray, (num + 1) * sizeof(cSchedule *));
+ if( Schedule->GetPresentEvent() ){ // if there exist an event -> ad to array
+ // check if we can get a channel NAME ( XXX )
+ // I thougt that this must always work , but doesn't
+ cChannel *c = Channels.GetByChannelID(Schedule->GetChannelID());
+ if( c ){
+ pArray[num] = Schedule;
+ num++;
+ }
+ }
+ Schedule = (const cSchedule *)Schedules->Next(Schedule);
+ }
+ qsort(pArray, num, sizeof(cSchedule *),CompareSchedules);
+ // Channels sorted
+ for (int a = 0; a < num; a++)
+ if( pArray[a] )
+ Add(new cMenuWhatsOnCalItem(pArray[a], &jetzt), Channels.GetByChannelID(pArray[a]->GetChannelID())->Number() == currentChannel);
+ SetHelp(NULL, tr("Back") , tr("Next"), tr("Switch"));
+ // delete all things never used
+ delete pArray;
+eOSState cMenuWhatsOnCal::Switch(void)
+ cMenuWhatsOnCalItem *item = (cMenuWhatsOnCalItem *)Get(Current());
+ if (item) {
+ cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(item->schedule->GetChannelID());
+ // Channels.GetByNumber(item->eventInfo->GetChannelNumber());
+ //if (channel && channel->Switch()){
+ if (channel ){
+ // printf("\nSwitched to Channel %d ",channel->number);
+ return osEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ Interface->Error(tr("Can't switch channel!"));
+ return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuWhatsOnCal::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+ eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+ if (state == osUnknown) {
+ switch (Key) {
+ case kYellow:
+ jetzt += (30*60);// 30 Minutes time back
+ ChangeTimeLine();
+ Display();
+ return osContinue;
+ break;
+ case kGreen: // set time into future
+ jetzt -= (30*60);
+ ChangeTimeLine();
+ Display();
+ return osContinue;
+ break;
+ case kBlue:
+ return Switch();
+ break;
+ // should show Listing of Programms on this Channel
+ case kOk:
+ return osSchedule;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return state;
+#endif // CALENDER
// --- cMenuWhatsOnItem ------------------------------------------------------
class cMenuWhatsOnItem : public cOsdItem {
@@ -2449,7 +2845,7 @@
// Basic menu items:
- Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Schedule")), osSchedule));
+ Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Schedule")), osScheduleEPG));
Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Channels")), osChannels));
Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Timers")), osTimers));
Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Recordings")), osRecordings));
@@ -2516,6 +2912,9 @@
switch (state) {
case osSchedule: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSchedule);
+#ifdef CALENDER
+ case osScheduleEPG: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuWhatsOnCal);
case osChannels: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuChannels);
case osTimers: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuTimers);
case osRecordings: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuRecordings);
diff -U 3 -H -b -B -d -N -a -- vdr-1.2.1/osd.c vdr-1.2.1calendar/osd.c
--- vdr-1.2.1/osd.c Mon Jun 9 20:22:55 2003
+++ vdr-1.2.1calendar/osd.c Mon Jun 9 20:08:51 2003
@@ -382,6 +382,15 @@
title = strdup(Title);
+#ifdef CALENDER
+void cOsdMenu::SetTitleTime(const char *Title, cBitmap *TitleTime, int Tlx,int Tly,bool ShowDate){
+ SetTitle(Title, ShowDate);
+ titleTimeLine=TitleTime;
+ titleTimeLiney=Tly;
+ titleTimeLinex=Tlx;
+#endif // CALENDER
void cOsdMenu::SetHelp(const char *Red, const char *Green, const char *Yellow, const char *Blue)
// strings are NOT copied - must be constants!!!
@@ -426,6 +435,10 @@
+#ifdef CALENDER
+ if (titleTimeLine)
+ Interface->SetBitmap(titleTimeLinex, titleTimeLiney, *titleTimeLine);
+#endif // CALENDER
Interface->Help(helpRed, helpGreen, helpYellow, helpBlue);
int count = Count();
if (count > 0) {
diff -U 3 -H -b -B -d -N -a -- vdr-1.2.1/osd.h vdr-1.2.1calendar/osd.h
--- vdr-1.2.1/osd.h Mon Apr 21 12:27:41 2003
+++ vdr-1.2.1calendar/osd.h Mon Jun 9 20:11:39 2003
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@
+#ifdef CALENDER
+ osScheduleEPG,
class cOsd {
@@ -91,9 +94,9 @@
class cOsdItem : public cListObject {
char *text;
- int offset;
eOSState state;
+ int offset;
bool fresh;
bool userColor;
eDvbColor fgColor, bgColor;
@@ -137,6 +140,10 @@
char *status;
int digit;
bool hasHotkeys;
+#ifdef CALENDER
+ cBitmap *titleTimeLine;
+ int titleTimeLiney,titleTimeLinex;
+#endif // CALENDER
bool visible;
const char *hk(const char *s);
@@ -157,6 +164,9 @@
bool HasSubMenu(void) { return subMenu; }
void SetStatus(const char *s);
void SetTitle(const char *Title, bool ShowDate = true);
+#ifdef CALENDER
+ void SetTitleTime(const char *Title,cBitmap *TitleTime, int Tlx,int Tly,bool ShowDate = true);
+#endif // CALENDER
void SetHelp(const char *Red, const char *Green = NULL, const char *Yellow = NULL, const char *Blue = NULL);
virtual void Del(int Index);
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