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[vdr] Re: Annoying EMERGENCY EXITs
Am Die, 2003-06-10 um 23.23 schrieb Carsten Koch:
> Rene Bartsch wrote:
> ...
> > So I think it is important to overwork the error-handling in VDR.
> >
> > VDR should differ which kind of error it has. I think only one out of
> > 200 hundred restarts is really caused by the driver.
> Are you implying that in 199 cases it is a vdr bug that causes
> the exit? I do not think so.
Not a bug, but a feature ;o)
Nearly every time bad weather is the reason for emergency exits.
VDR should handle this.
> I have been using vdr since June 2000
> (see ).
Fine, you're one year ahead! Grrrins ;o)
> At times, the driver quality was so bad, that it was a matter of survival
> to implement things like the emergency exit and the watchdog timer.
> I was very grateful when Klaus put those features in. It helped a lot!
I also do remind that times ... and the driver still isn't reliable and
I think it will never be.
> I believe the driver quality is a lot better today and maybe the emergency
> exit and the watchdog timer are no longer matter of survival, but I find
> them still useful
I don't want to have them removed, but they should be more
intelligently. In case of a serious crash they should work, but not in
case of bad weather.
and I have not encountered a single case in three years
> of regular VDR use where VDR did a false emergency exit.
Every time bad weather comes up ...
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