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[vdr] Re: New firmware fixes memory sharing with OSD

Christian Jacobsen wrote:
> ...
> JFYI, with the New Firmware the VDRC plugin works again, but the Bitstream
> plugin is kind of "broken". The sound is interrupted very offen every second
> so that it is sort of bibbering. Only if I use hw_sections=1 it works again.
> But as I had serveral restarts and even crashes using the Newer Drivers
> (08.06.03 from klaus and 09.06.03 from CVS) and hw_sections=1. I have
> returned to 24.05.2003 (from Klaus's Website) here all plugins Work and I
> did not notice anything that I need from never Drivers so that I will Stay
> here until a better driver comes out or it is needed for a future Version ;)
> btw. with the 1.0.0pre3 and CVS 02.06.03 Bitstreamout works with
> hw_sections=0 but VDRC is "broken".

Can you please try again with the latest firmware of today's CVS (firmware
version 2617)?


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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