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[vdr] Re: How can a channel switching keys made active whileaplayer is playing?
Sascha Volkenandt wrote:
At Freitag, 13. Juni 2003 18:00 Gunnar Roth wrote:
Sorry for cutting, but basically my answer covers the whole topic.
Why don't you leave VDR all alone (The PrimaryDevice at least), if you don't
use any of it's capabilities. Just launch a cThread-derived class that
plays MP3s with OSS. A menu could be opened to control that thread, closed
to leave it alone (playing), opened again to control something, etc. When
the menu is closed, then, VDR behaves like normal (except for an additional
thread, what my plugins do as well).
Of course this is a possibility, but would you really like a mp3 plugin
where you have always your tv set switched on, just to control it?
If you dont use a cControl Class, you have no progress bar, no color
instant keys, to stop, pause , skip etc.
i for my part thougt this featurers are really a neccessity.
And live viewing is possible the way i did. just the missing channel
switching is a small problem,
which could be easily cured(i think) if the cPlayer or cControl base
class has a property "ThisPlayerClassDontUseChannelAndNumberkeys".
And please Gunnar, would you be so kind to cut your responses to what you
respond to instead of leaving the whole mail? Makes it hard to read (and to
quote as well, that's another reason why I just put [...] in front).
Sorry but, i dont think it is hard to read. why do you think so? i for
my part can better follow a discussion, if
it is contained in one mail. and there a a lot more mails which are two
or three times longer than my replies.
the right email client supports you in easily reading such mails ;-)
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