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[vdr] Re: xmltv2epg and DVB-C?
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Hello Gerhard and list,
could you please send me your files so that i could have a look at them? the
problem is that i'm using two different harddrives in the same machine, one with
linux and one with winblows :) haven't got x or any mail client setup in linux
:) hehe.. but if i don't modify the .pl file, it doesn't work at all for me.
check this:
RTL:12188:h:S19.2E:27500:163:104:105:0:12003:0:0:0 <-- 13 values
Das Erste:410:M64:C:6900:101:102:104:0:28106:0:0:0 <-- 13 values
Nickelodeon:370:M64:C:6875:4130:4386:7970:101:1034 <-- 10 values
ah shit, i think i found it. the first line is from chanels.conf (the example
file).. the next one is from channels.conf.cable.. the last line is from my
channels.conf that i got mailed to me from a guy from the list..
should i just add :0:0:0 after all channels? hmm..
Friday, June 13, 2003, 5:37:54 PM, you wrote:
GS> try this one in
GS> sub SVDRPreceive
GS> {
GS> my $expect = shift | 0;
GS> my @a = ();
GS> while (<SOCK>) {
GS> s/\s*$//; # 'chomp' wouldn't work with "\r\n"
GS> push(@a, $_);
- ->>>>printf STDOUT $_;
GS> if (substr($_, 3, 1) ne "-") {
GS> my $code = substr($_, 0, 3);
GS> die("expected SVDRP code $expect, but received
GS> $code") if ($code != $expect);
GS> last;
GS> }
GS> }
GS> return @a;
GS> }
GS> Gerhard
GS> On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 16:52:55 +0200
GS> Oscar Carlsson <> wrote:
>>Hello Gerhard,
>>i'll try to do this with one channel only and try to
>>track down the problem..
>>there was some errors when downloading the listning, but i
>>thought it got fixed.
>>it's grab_sn i'm using. i'll also restore my modified
>>.pl file to the original
>>one since you're telling me it should be working.
>>isn't there any way of seeing the messages svdrp
>>returns? i guess it should
>>supply errors..
>>Friday, June 13, 2003, 2:39:45 PM, you wrote:
>>GS> I think there is a problem within vdrs-channel.conf
>>and the
>>GS> file you are using for xmltv2vdr.
>>GS> As I didn't change anything and it works for me
>>(DVB-c) I
>>GS> couldn't imagine what's the problem.
>>GS> If you want, please send me your files (vdr
>>GS> and all xmltv2vdr files. I could check it during the
>>GS> weekend.
>>GS> Gerhard
>>GS> p.s.: Does grab_xx delivers a correct epg-file?
>>GS> On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 14:03:54 +0200
>>GS> "Oscar Carlsson" <> wrote:
>>>>I'm using the latest stable release of everything, plus
>>>>I'm not very good at it, but according to what i could
>>>>tell from the .pl script, it tries to extract the
>>>>different values from the channels.conf file, however
>>>>trying to get to many values since (I guess) DVB-S and T
>>>>has more values in the channels.conf.
>>>>This gives errors on all channels saying that it wasn't
>>>>And yes, it all _very much_ should be correct, I've
>>>>doublechecked it alot of times. I'm at work now, so i
>>>>can't attach the files at the moment.
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: "Gerhard Steiner" <>
>>>>Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 12:15:44 +0200
>>>>Subject: [vdr] Re: xmltv2epg and DVB-C?
>>>>I am using the same configuration and it works fine for
>>>>What version of vdr/xmltv2vdr are you using?
>>>>Are you using Auto-pid?
>>>>Are you using a correct version of channels.conf for
>>>>xmltv2vdr as described in the README
>>>>lg, Gerhard
>>>>On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 11:58:17 +0200
>>>> "Oscar Carlsson" <> wrote:
>>>>>Is there anyone who's using xmltv2epg with DVB-C and
>>>>>could supply me with a patch for it? It doesn't seem to
>>>>>work with the DVB-C channels.conf.
Version: 2.6
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