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[vdr] Re: vdr at dbox2 an also for Klaus
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 19:53, Rene Bartsch wrote:
> Am Mon, 2003-06-16 um 15.09 schrieb Gavin Hamill:
> > On Mon, Jun 16, 2003 at 03:02:27PM +0200, Alexander Olk wrote:
> > > The osd looks exactly like the one on a pc dvb card (although I do not
> > > have such a card). In contrast to the pc dvb cards the osd is accessed
> > > through the framebuffer driver of the dbox2 and not hardware osd
> > > driver...
That sound good
> >
> > Hi Alexander :)
> >
> > Would your changes be compatible to 'normal' PCs with a /dev/fb0
> > framebuffer? I'm thinking from the point of view of a software backend
> > for VDR. If the OSD was already working, then the only remaining pieceof
> > work would be hooking the stream output into libmpeg2.
I'm interested iin exactly this too. For the future releases of
mulimidix i want a forntend for vdr, using the framebuffer instead of
the dvb-tv-out.
> >
> > In fact, using DirectFB would be even better, since it supports
> > overlaying graphics on top of libmpeg2's output:)
> >
Yes - directfb is definitively the api to choose for this idea, as it
will cover most upcoming problems in the future. At least i think so;)
> What about sending DEBUG_OSD to DirectFB and just zoom it into a top layer. In background-layer the video would be displayed.
> The problems I see is A/V-sync.
This are the Probelms i know of as well. But you are not alone. There
are already pieces of work, that have been done, imho. I know at least
two gfx-chipsets, synced fb drivers are available. Porting them to other
gfxs shouldn't be so hard i think, but it will take some time, as the
timings have to be examined. Thats the gfx side. The next thing that
have to be done, is to port the osd-function of vdr to fb compatible
functions. As i understand the problem until now, you have to do some
patching on vdr. I found it very interesting, that there is already a
project, which covered this topic awhile ago.
The project was a modiefied matrox fb driver and a patch for vdr 1.0
I'm not so deep in development of vdr on the hard side, but i think,
even if the osd class changed in major ways, a lot of the basic concepts
might have stayed the same. Perhaps Klaus can give some more infos on
> Rene
I would be very happy, if somebody would cover this topic, as it is one
of the major problems, our project Mulimidix acually lacks in features,
but as there are so many other problems we have to solve at the moment,
i'm not able t start this project, even as i read about it the last
> --
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