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[vdr] Re: Increasing SDRAM on DVB cards
Andreas Schultz wrote:
> On Wednesday 18 June 2003 5:57 pm, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> > Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> [...]
> > Meanwhile I learned (from a contact who prefers to remain unnamed, which
> > I respect) that the SCS2 pin is not routed outside from under the AV7110
> > chip on the Technotrend DVB-S cards. Since all these cards (Siemens,
> > Hauppauge,...) apparently use the same board layout, I guess this pretty
> > much means that it is not possible to extend the SDRAM of this card.
> >
> > Well, would have been nice...
> So, what about extending the normal DRAM instead? According to chapter 7.7 of
> the AV711x spec., more DRAM would allow to use a different memory split and
> gain more OSD memory that way. Or am i missing something here?
I assume you're referring to the "overflow buffer" for the video decoder.
According to a posting from Ralph Metzler a while ago that can only be
used in live mode, not during replay. So there might be a way of getting
more OSD memory in live mode, but during replay we would still have to
do with less. I'd rather not have to differentiate between live mode
and replay when opening the OSD. Besides I'm not even sure whether that
buffer can be easily reallocated dynamically.
Klaus Schmidinger Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH Fax: +49-8635-6989-40
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