Hi there, Gregoire Favre wrote:
On Thu, Jun 19, 2003 at 12:57:43PM +0200, Juri Haberland wrote:I might be wrong, but IIRC the DVB-S rev. 2.1 has no J2.Hasn't it an integrated SPDIF?
Not integrated, but you can get -real- SPDIF from the cable connected outside the DVB-S rev.2.1. I own several rev. 1.3 and use TOSLINK to get DD etc. I never checked the SPDIF of my one and only rev. 2.1 - according to the technical details it should/must work. Rev. 1.3 SPDIF Output is TTL 0/5V -> 5Vss -> TTL for TOSLINK Rev. 2.1 SPDIF Output is -real- SPDIF 1Vss -> COAX
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