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[vdr] Re: Increasing SDRAM on DVB cards
Hermann Gausterer wrote:
>the story with the sdram seems to be "never-ending" ;-)
heh... well it is an interesting topic no?
>> ah... split the CS1 line to an inverter which makes 0>1 and 1>0 So if
>> CS1 goes high (1) then CS2 goes low (0)
>> umm... that needs many changes in the firmware and the switching must
>> be done within the time spec. Still, nice idea
>look at page 13:
>there are other memory area`s the chip is accessing, not only that
single sdram
> .. and in that case, every access to the DP-RAM or the DRAM will
result in
> read/write to your "second" chip so this approuch cannout be used
AV7110's memory map reserves a 4MB block for the sd-ram divided intwo
two 2MB
banks. The second bank is not used in this case so the DSP is not aware
something is available there at all.
Do not pin-point on the inverted signal only. Perhaps another signal
could be used or a combination of two lines. What I mean is... don't
shoot the idea....yet.
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