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[vdr] Re: CAM problems - revisited
>I was sent a CAM module to investigate the problems some people
Just for clarification (to avoid confusion):
(C)onditional (A)ccess (M)odule <-- This is the actual "Access" modul.
(C)am (I)nterface <-- This is what plugs into the DVB card
So what you received was not a CAM but a CI, I guess.
>have with using their CAMs in combination with the new Link Layer
>firmware. From what I have been able to see so far it would appear
>that there are different versions of the CiMAX chip built into
>these CAM modules.
Yes, but this is old news. I and several others have mentioned that
the newer CI modules also have a new CiMAX chip on them. I
thought Convergence already knew about this.
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