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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] mhwepg-0.4

Jean-Claude Repetto wrote:

Cyrille Grange wrote:

Jean-Claude Repetto wrote:

mhwepg is a program to extract proprietary EPG Data sent by the Canal+ group (Mediahighway receivers) and parse it into a VDR compatible format.
It can be used to get a 7-days EPG for Canal Satellite France, Cyfra+, Canal Satellite Digitaal, Telepiù, and Canal Satelite España.
This new version is working with Linux DVB drivers using the version 3 of the API and VDR 2.x.

It is available at

Does it need CAM+CI, and if yes, which ones (versions, etc) are you using ?

No, you don't need any CAM, CI, smartcards, ...
The EPG data are not encrypted.


Ok, but do you use some with success to view encrypted French Canal Satellite channels ?

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