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[vdr] Network proxy for DVD, lirc and lcd
I want to use very low-power, silent clients based on via epia
mainboards (I think I've mentioned this before on the list ;) ). First I
was thinking about using the stream and the mplayer-cluster-plugin. The
cluster-plugin is not supposed to work very well and is not beeing
developed anymore. Sadly I don't know how to programm and so it would be
very (probably too) hard for me to do it.
Now I came up with the idea to use full-featured DVB-cars in the server
connect them to a so call twin-modulator which I'd then connect to the
terrestrial input of my satelite distributer (the thing where the cables
from the dish come in and they are beeing distributed to the tv's). This
way I would get the video output and stero sound on the tv's. Now I was
thinking about using very cheap epia-based systems at the tv's to act as
network-device proxies for lirc, DVD-drive, sound and LCD.
Has anybody done something simular, have any suggestins for
improvements, hints, critisizem...?
Here some more specific questions:
Can I start differen vdr's on one machine and eg. Have vdr1 output to
the first dvb-card, vdr2 to the second and so on? Can all of these vdr's
still recive and record on all dvb-cards?
How do I do the lirc-proxiing?
On the lirc-website I found the -c --connect=host[:port] so Iguess
this should be no problem!?
I also found a Remote that will sent the signal as infrared and radio
signal. The radiosignal can be decoded to infrared by a reciver at the
server. Is it possible to use one irdareciver at the server to
controll all vdrs or should I use the reciver that comes with each
card to control itself?
Will mounting dvds as "network block device" work work for playing cds
and (crypted) dvd?
Is it possible to send the sound insted of through the modulator through
the network using the AC3 bitstreamout plugin or something else to use
the digital out at the clients for dolby 5.1 sound? Any soggestions on
what to use as sound-proxy? I found EsounD
( and Advanced Sound Daemon
( but both projects homepages have not been
modified for years, so I guess the projects have been abandend?
Comming to the LCD-proxy: On I read that it
is possible for the client and the server to be different machines so I
don't see a problem here either. Do you?
Thank you very much for any feedback and help! Sorry for all the
questions and sorry, that I don't experiment myself first, but I don't
have any equipment yet and so I can't test and I don't want to buy a
whole system that won't work in the end.
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