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[vdr] vdr 1.2.1 frequent crashes when switching channels or during recording - wife annoyed


First of all: THX for this great software! Well done!

I've used vdr 1.0.3AIO for ages without any problems. My vdr-server runs
24/7 and contains 1 Nexus + 1 Nova card. Linux-Distribution is SuSE8.0.

Unfortunately after switching to vdr 1.2.1 + DVB driver from 06/08/2003 I'm
experiencing frequent crashes when switching channels and gaps in recordings
which were caused by crashes.

I've included the following plugins: VCD 0.0.4i, MP3 0.8.0 and compiled-in
support for LIRC.

Is there any additional information I could provide to make it easier to
track down the source of the crashes?

Best regards

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