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[vdr] Re: PILOT plugin 0.0.3b available

Hello Olivier, hello list,

You, know, I like the pilot-plugin (well, actually I love it!) but removing the nice green/red-button-display feature for DXR3-users is no option for me! ;) (<- see the smiley)

Well, the glitches are down to a minimum, by not showing the colored
squares, but now I don't know, if I should press the red or green button or not. So I save you some time and made an ugly hack:

if (!isempty(textPresentInfo)) {
// Draw Red button, only for non-DXR3 users
if (config.usedxr3==0)
bitmap->Fill(t-16, (3+LINEHEIGHT)*1 + 8, t-6, (3+LINEHEIGHT)*1+18, eDvbColor(pal[10]));
bitmap->Fill(config.width-46, 3+8, config.width-36, 3+18,

if (!isempty(textFollowingInfo)) {
// Draw Green button, only for non-DXR3 users
if (config.usedxr3==0)
bitmap->Fill(t-16, (3+LINEHEIGHT)*3 + 8, t-6, (3+LINEHEIGHT)*3+18,
bitmap->Fill(config.width-26, 3+8, config.width-16, 3+18,

This draws the two squares in the upper right corner of the plugins OSD and there are no glitches in the main-OSD windows. This works fine enough for me, I hope some DXR3 users like this, too.

And I still hope, the next DXR3-plugin might handle everything fine, and no special-treatment for DXR3 users is needed :)


P.S. As I made a lot of changes I wasn't able to create a proper diff-file.
Pleas forgive me for posting these code-lines instead of creating a
proper-diff. I will do diffs next time!

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