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[vdr] [Announce] Teletext Subtitles - ttxtsubs plugin 0.0.4

This is a bug fix release just to solve some different problems
people have had with it. There are no new features, sorry.

Major changes since 0.0.2:
- Now works with systems with more than one card, including
 those with one Nova card + one DXR3 or other MPEG2 decoder.
- A bug fix to avoid the occasional trashing of channel
 information display on channel switch, which could also crash
 DXR3 systems. Improves compatibility with some other plugins.
- A work around for a bug in the AV7110 firmware version when
 used with hw_sections=0 (bug fixed in Root 1.18 2003/07/09).
- A simple cache mechanism for the Service Information.

The VDR patch has changed a little to fix the OSD problem.
You can either start from scratch with a new VDR installation
or repatch a previously patched VDR. See the README file for
more information.

Download from here:

Thanks to those who have reported bugs and helped me test


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