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[vdr] Re: unknwon picture type / error in data stream

Hi Klaus,

> > first I thougt this is a driver problem too, but then I did a few
> > tests. I ALWAYS used the same driver and can reproduce that up to
> > VDR 1.1.28 everything was just fine and beginning with VDR 1.1.30
> > that bug was introduced. And it does NOT depend on how much Cards
> > you have installed. And it is not relevant what driver you use !!!
> That's interesting - I'll take another close look at what has changed
> between VDR 1.1.28 and 1.1.30.
> Just one question: is there a reason why you left out 1.1.29 
> in your tests?
> The closer we can narrow this down, the better...

I left aut 1.1.29 because I am no 101% sure if I tested that one, but
I can say that it seems that the longer VDR is running (untouched) the
more likely recordings are corrupted. Anyhow sometimes recordings are
corrupted just five minutes after starting VDR. 
BTW, now I am testing hw_sections=1, maybe that one will bring success ?!
But as I saied a few times before, this problem happens with VANILLA
VDR, but it is definitly true, that sc-0.1.9 and sc-0.1.11 (even without
any keys !!!) resolves that problem !! So somehow that plugin prvents
the driver (or VDR ?) from corrupting recordings.


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