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[vdr] Re: analogtv 0.9.6 is not tuning.

On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 05:08:53PM +0200, Matthias Rieber wrote:
> Hi,
> the analogtv plugin is running perfect, except tuning :-( With version
> 0.7.0 I had not this problem, but it was quite unstable.
> Tuning with xawtv is possible. I'm not sure what's the problem. What can
> I do to find the problem, here is the log for your information:
> analogTV: 15:12:13 cAnalogtvDevice::ProvidesChannel(Receiving()=0, frequency=48250, Channel->Frequency()=55250)

Just use -0.9.7 (from my homepage) .. this was simply a bug :-(

Please use the _original_ "remux.c" from vdr-1.2.2 plus the included
"vdr.patch" (see README), if you want perfect analog- *and*

> matthias

Andreas Kool (akool<nospam>@</nospam> *

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