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[vdr] vdr / vdr plugins - make process

Hi !

Two things i discovered today, while trying to package a vdr plugin :)

Some Plugins don't make use of Make.config, From what I have looked at, this 
is f.i.: vcd, remote, games . There may be more, but I have not all plugins 
on my hd ;). 

The target libvdr-$(PLUGIN).so contains a cp of the plugin to the destination. 
This should go to the target install and for getting the old behaviour back 
extend the vdr Makefile accordingly (that make plugins does the same as now). 
I will provide a patch for newplugin and Makefile if wished, But before 
patching the Makefile of vdr all plugins should now the target install ;). 
A seperate make install is cleaner, since someone wants to compile as user and 
to install something you have to be root. 

Can this things be changed ? 



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