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[vdr] Re: 1.2.2 audio artefacts Schmidinger)  09.08.03 22:53

Once upon a time Klaus Schmidinger shaped the electrons to say...

>Rainer Zocholl wrote:
>> In the audio stream of 1.2.2 seems to contain sometimes
>> a lot of artefacts like those which occurs when 1.0.4 tries to
>> resync audio when the recording was disturbed.
>> It's recording WDR while watching N3.
>> The artefacts are not always in the stream.
>> With 1.0.4 i never heard them in the "live stream".
>> (Only in "replay" if something went wrong in the recording)

>Which DVB card is the recording happening on?

on the dvb 2

>If both recording and "live" viewing are happening on the
>primary device, maybe there's a performance problem.

The funny thing was that artefacts went away after som time.

Is ther a way to log what is going on?


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