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[vdr] Re: Problems with DVB Haberland)  13.08.03 01:29

Once upon a time Juri Haberland shaped the electrons to say...

>Dennis Schwerdel wrote:
>> Hello I got some Probs with DVB.
>> I installed the newest DVB driver and tried to get some output over
>> my DVB-card on the TV.
>> But there wasn't any output. I tried this with vdr and someone told
>> me that the DVB-driver does some output while loading.
>> Even with kvdr I couldnt get any output.
>> But with Windows I could watch TV over the card.

>> Is there a diagnostic tool for DVB driver ?

>Yes, there is, as there is for most other problems on Unix-like

>The logs!
>Especially /var/log/messages.

But don't ignore /var/log/syslog!
(depends on the syslogd setting of the box/distribution!)


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