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[vdr] Re: Bug in 'PauseLiveVideo'

Am Son, 2003-08-17 um 11.37 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:

> There's another point: imagine somebody starting "Pause" at 20:00 (which,
> by default, will run for 3 hours) and resuming replay at 20:15 for some
> 15 minutes, then stopping (not pausing!) replay for some reason.
> At, say, 22:00 he comes back to the TV, totally forgetting about the
> paused live video session (maybe the broadcast wasn't that interesting)
> and sees that there is an interesting programme on that same channel now.
> Unfortunately the phone rings, so he just does (another) "Pause live video",
> knowing that this will give him 3 hours of buffered video. Well, think again!
> If we change things the way you suggested, he would get only _one_ hour of
> buffered video, since he would be switched back to the recording he started
> at 20:00. In addition, he wouldn't be set to the current position of the
> programme, but rather to the position in the recording where he left of
> at 20:30!
> Maybe this scenario is a little far-fetched, or not even possible - I didn't
> explicitly test this. If so, please correct me.

Then VDR simply should extend the recording time instead of wasting
diskspace (-> might delete important recordings) with double recording.

Rene Bartsch

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