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[vdr] Re: VDR version 1.2.3 pre-release

Am Sonntag, 17. August 2003 15:00 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
> There have been a few fixes and enhancements to VDR 1.2.2 which
> I'd like to make available in this maintenance release.
> Before I upload this to the official release directory I would
> appreciate if some of you could find the time to look over it in
> the VDR Developer directory.
> The complete VDR version 1.2.3 is available for download at
> The file
> contains the complete 'diff' between versions 1.2.2 and 1.2.3, in case
> you want to apply the individual fixes to an existing (maybe patched)
> installation (of course the line numbers may be off then, but I thought
> providing the 'diff' might be useful).
> If nobody finds any serious problems with this new version I'd like
> to officially release it by wednesday.

Hi Klaus. I have tried to find some information on the exit codes of vdr. Does 
the exit codes differ if the reasons for terminating of vdr are different ? 
What I think of is, if vdr quits because f.i. a plugin could not be loaded. 
Since runvdr checks if exitcode != 0 => restart, it would be good to catch 
non recoverable errors like misconfiguration with a different exitcode, 
otherwise we would get a infinite loop ... difficult to catch, beside using 
error handling in runvdr. Would something like this be possible ? Or is it 
implemented and I'm to stupid to see it ? 



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