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[vdr] Autopid - Magic RIDs - Concept behind

Hello everybody,

yes I managed to switch to 1.2.2. Yes, master timer is running again. We
had some fruitfull discussions on that a few days before. I still have a
problem with master timer, but I have a workaround. But now I am comming
to the hard facts. 

I recently used to have two different channels.conf. One for the kids
with all the nice kids channels and without the heavy (erotic, news,
bombs, war, ...) stuff. I had some scripts to switch channels.conf and
performed automatic a kill -TERM vdr and it worked pretty good.

No I use autopid and if you switch around the kids channels the autopid
patch finds "new" channels and adds them to the channel list. OK, thats
intentional, but with the drawback that the heavy stuff finds a way
inside the channels.conf for the kids.

Is there a way to prevent VDR from doing so without switching off the
autopid patch? I find it usefull fe. to get all the teletext Ids for all
channels without hacking them manually inside the channels.conf.

The README.autopids says something about the magic RID. But I certainly
not understand the concept behind. 

So my question is, if someone managed to get something simmilar to work
(channels for kids and others) with the autopid patch, please make
yourself heard. Perhaps Andreas Schultz or someone who uses magic RIDs
reads here and could explain its use and the concept behind to me.


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