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[vdr] Re: Filesystem pros & cons

On Sunday, 24. August 2003 13:31, Jürgen Hahn wrote:
> Hi,
> > And?
> > I had lilo on one machine with only xfs partitions...

That is another implizit question: How many partitions are useful?

On the first thought i would say - keep any directories separated which are 
(in)frequently written - as there are: /tmp /var /home /video /boot ?
the rest / 
and for my recent disaster maybe keep even /etc separate ??

> Me too here. Using XFS for all filesystems.
> > I say had, because, I think grub is much better ;-)
> So... take the most geekish SW... hmmm... XFS is from SGI... more
> geekier then everything else :-)

Probably - i found grub not easy to use...

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