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[vdr] Re: VDR vs other Linux PVRs

Quoting Robert Sturrock <>:

> Geez, after struggling with mythv and freevo for a while, VDR has been
> an absolute breath of fresh air for me.  VDR is lightweight and
> professional.  I like the fact that it implements a set-top-box first
> and foremost and all the other stuff (mp3s, picture galleries etc) is
> secondary.
> When I start up VDR, I see a TV picture, not a main menu filled with
> options I'm not interested in most of the time.  VDR's use of text
> overlays with a clear minimalist font is great, and navigation is well
> thought out.
> Freevo and Mythtv always seemed too focussed on themes, eye-candy and
> looking kewl for my tastes, rather than just staying out of the way
> and getting the job done (like VDR).  Just my 2c.

Thanks for your interesting review - you saved me a lot of time trying that out

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