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[vdr] R: Re: VDR / EPIA M10000 MPEG

> > VIA somewhere has provided a special version of Xine using the
> > MPEG-decoder. As Reinhard Nissl is working on a Xine-plugin for VDR,
> > this might be implemented, too.
> with this xine-plugin, its possible to use the epia without a
> fullFeatured Card and without a dxr3?
> Only with a budget card and vdr ??

That's the target. But you have to choose a way to export the video: either
you have a tvout videocard or you stream them to another computer
Anyway you can try xine with dvb input and a budget card today. There's no
vdr but you can change channel and you can figure out the image quality.

Bye Uberto

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