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[vdr] Re: Playing DVD ?

> > > > All I wanted to say is: I can wait until linux gets
> > > ultra-high-end-hifi
> > > > ready :)
> > >
> > > You can allways start by getting a pair of good loudspeakers,
> > > Like BEOLAB 5, if you want multichannel stuff get 3 pairs.
> > > Note HiFI is _not_ sold in pc-shops.
> > >
> > Sorry guys, I was talking of the general usability of the
> > DVD-Plugin, not about wired sound-gimmiks like "I can not play
> > 24Bit@96kHz" or something like that.
> > I would not talk about a seat in a car that is uncomfortable, if the
> > car itself does nearly not drive at all.
> > 
> > For now it would really be nice if any coder could just manage
> > that the *basic* funktions of DVD-Playback work.
> Well, what _are_ the _basic_ functions?
> I was able to play the movie and all the additional features
> of my DVDs, so I'd say the _basic_ functions do work.
> Sure, I had to sometimes "blindly" navigate through the menus,
> because the still images didn't display correctly, but apart
> from that and the fact that FF/FR doesn't work, I _was_ able
> to watch the movies...
"basic funtions" are in my eyes:

- simple playback (sometimes Plugin or VDR hangups)
- switch chapters (frequent Plugin or VDR hangups)
- menues (sometimes horribly displayed)
- no FR

and for selfmade DVD's

- no FF/FR (unable to fetch data from DVD)

All these are basic DVD funktions, witch EVERY 49 Euro
DVD-Player can manage.

Sorry, I do not want to be rude, but DVD-Playback as it is
for now, is simply not possible.


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