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[vdr] Re: Problems with exit-states (VDR-1.2.2)

Am Mon, 2003-08-25 um 19.43 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:

> > 
> > ------------------- snip ----------------------
> > 
> > PROGSTART=$(date +%s) && su -c "$PROG_CMD_EXEC" $VDRUSER
> > echo $? > /dev/tty1
> > 
> > ------------------- snap ----------------------
> > 
> > PROGCMD contains the command-line options for VDR and PLUGINS.
> Are you sure the actual exit goes through the lines
>   if (cThread::EmergencyExit()) {
>      esyslog("emergency exit!");
>      return 1;
>      }
>   return 0;
> in vdr.c in both cases?
> I don't see why the presence of a plugin should change the return value
> in case of an exit.

I've exit by restart in OSD-Menu which should return 1, starting the
restart-loop of my init-script. Blank vdr returns 1, but vdr started up
with plugins returns 0.

I also have strange problems with the command-line. VDR complains about
things like "unrecognized option:" although it loads
the mp3-plugin or other plugins. vdr --help shows the plugin and it's
options fine.

My init-script is ready for a week now and it certainly could replace
runvdr quite well (it has extensive error-recovery and logging - I'll
post it on the list when it works), but I'm struggling with the

I've tested a lot of strings with quotations, (back-)slashes, etc. but
either vdr complains about wrong plugin-options or returns wrong
exit-codes. It also could be some kind of parsing-error.

Could you give me an example of a command-line with several plugins and
several options for each plugin which definitely works for you?

Rene Bartsch

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