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[vdr] Re: Problem with master timer in 1.2.4pre

On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 09:54:19AM +0200, Robert Bartl wrote:
> i checked vdr/master-timer again yesterday and tried the diff for svdrp.c
> vdr hanged after master-timer closed the connection without sending a
> "quit".
> file.Ready doesnt seem to work on sockets (at least on my system). the
> select call returns at once and cpu usage=99%.

Master-Timer ALWAYS sends "QUIT"!

I had to make this sure, because i still use VDR 0.68 which doesn't have
the "3 minute autologout". If i would make an unclean logout from this
version, i had to restart it. So i made sure in Master-Timer that it
"quit"s the connection correctly in all(or nearly all. It is really hard
to trigger such a case!) cases.

Bis denn

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