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[vdr] How about an overview of "good" hardware for vdr :) (corrupted recordings)


I want to compile a list of working/nonworking motherboards (for the
corrupted recordings problem)..

my idea:

everybody on this list with 2 and more dvbs cards in one system: please send
- number of cards and their revisions
- pci latency setting (find out with lspci -vv)
- motherboard / revision / chipset
- dvbs driver version and hw_sections flag
- vdr version  / patches and plugins (version)
and finally
- most important: if you get restarts and/or corrupted recordings!

to my email adress: i would them compile a list of your data
(without relation to a specific user) - if you do not want to include all of
the data. the motherboard and if it is working for example is also good
input for my idea...

i think all old ideas to the problem were in the best case workaround
solutions (from corrupted recordings and restarts to only restarts...)

maybe there is a correlation between the problem and hardware (irq!?
latency?).  i just hope to see some correlations. and in anycase: you get a list of
motherboards that work at least for someone.

hope this does care anyone, bye.


manuel hartl

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