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[vdr] Re: SuSE RPM packages available

On Friday 29 August 2003 02:51, Rene Scherer wrote:

> I'm currently testing the rpm for SuSE8.2 and was wondering if it's
> possible to add an additional plug-in (e.g. dxr3) without messing around
> with the start script and config files?

> > The vdr package already includes the Tech-, ElchiAIO3- and
> > autopid-Patch.

Doesn't the ElchiAIO3 patch include the beauty patch? And if so, isn't that 
incompatible with the dxr3 plugin? I never could get the Elchi patch to work 
with the dxr3 plugin, the colors were *all* screwed up (among other things). 
Worked fine without the dxr3 plugin, though. A shame, the beauty patch is 
really nice...

- Bud
"The threat of madness is the price of reason" - Susanne Langer

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