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[vdr] Re: drawback of control-plugin: no access to tty as simple user

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rene Bartsch" <>
To: "VDR-ML" <>
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 5:15 PM
Subject: [vdr] drawback of control-plugin: no access to tty as simple user

> I like the control-plugin more and more, but I have found another
> drawback. While vdr can open ttys when started as user instead of root,
> the console-plugin can't do that.
> So VDR has to be started as root to use console-plugin.

You meant control plugin didn't you?

> It would be nice if it would work for ordinary users. :o)

For me it works as user "vdr". Perhaps you have a access right problem.
I had to insert my user "vdr" to the group "tty" to get it working.
("usermod -G tty vdr")

Hope that helps

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