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[vdr] Re: Try to fix "unknown picture error"

(sorry, this is the last time I'll break the thread)

vdr 1.1.29 with DVB from 27.4.2003 : "unknown picture error"
vdr 1.1.28 with DVB from 27.4.2003 : "unknown picture error"

so I'll test vdr 1.1.27 with DVB from 27.4.2003 . Perhaps I was right, as I
said that the error was introduced with 1.1.28...

If someone is interested in supporting my "bug-hunting", he/she could try to
test the different versions of vdr and try to find out, which version
introduces this bug. I'm a little bit confused, why Tilo recognized this bug only
in vdr versions >1.1.28. So perhaps on different machines this bug appears
with different versions?!?

As always: do the tests with plain vanilla vdr (no patches, no plugins) and
it would be the best, if you also use the DVB from 27.4.2003 (you can
download this on Klaus VDR-homepage)


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