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[vdr] disabeling DO_MULTIPLE_RECORDINGS breaks REC_AND_PLAY...

Hi all,

since the transfer thread that is started while recording on my single card system, frequently overloads my system and creates ringbuffer overflows when recording encrypted channels, and as it seem that there is no solution to this problem (at least I didn't find one in the board), I decided to remove
#define DO_MULTIPLE_RECORDINGS from dvbdevice.c.
After doing that, I realized, that I cannot replay during a recording. Every try to do so, it seems that the replay and the recorder thread deadlock upon each other. So the recording won't continue and the replay won't start, leaving a black screen.

I am running vdr-1.2.0 with DVB-s Rev. 1.3 on a pentium 133.

Is this a known problem? Is it generally not possible to have DO_REC_AND_PLAY enabled and DO_MULTIPLE_RECORDINGS disabled? when looking in /var/log/messages, it seems that the transfertread that is started during a recording ends as soon as there is a replay or swiched to a other channel.

Any suggestions?

Best wishes,

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