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[vdr] Channel ID and the parameters?


I stumbled upon an inconsistency in the documentation (I think):

In vdr.5 it says:

    A  particular  channel  can  be  uniquely identified by its
    channel ID, which is a string that looks like this:


    The components of  this  string  are  the  Source  (S19.2E), 
    Frequency (12188,  MHz) and SID (12003) as defined above. The
    parts that are currently 0 are reserved for future use (the last
    part can be  omitted  if  it   is   0,   so   the   above  
    example  could  also  be  written  as  S19.2E-0-12188-12003).

But from a glimpse in the source:

   const char *tChannelID::ToString(void)
     static char buffer[256];
     snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), rid ? "%s-%d-%d-%d-%d" :
         "%s-%d-%d-%d", cSource::ToString(source), nid, tid, sid, rid);
     return buffer;

and some own experiments I'd say that it consists of source, nid, tid, sid and rid and NOT the frequency, whereas the second and (optional) fifth field are not bound to be 0.

Did I mix something up or is the documentation really outdated?

Cheers :-)

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