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[vdr] Bug: in timeshift rec_and_play?


disabling the DO_MULTIPLE_RECORDINGS define in dvbdevice.c of vdr-1.2.0
(and later?) breaks timeshift recording. The symptom is that if you
start a recording and then start a replay, neither the recording
continiues nor the replay will start, leaving you with a black screen.

I've tried to track down the problem and found that playing around with
the lines in dvbdevice.c:

  TurnOffLivePIDs = TurnOnLivePIDs = true;
  StartTransferMode = false;

changes the behaviour. But I didn't manage to make it working correctly
due to a lack of understanding, what is going on (stupid me ;-)). But it
seeems to me, that the livepids should not always be turned off and on
again if you start or stop replaying during a recording. For example, if
i used the following version (so taking into account that
StartTransferMode will be false)

  TurnOffLivePIDs = TurnOnLivePIDs = true;
  StartTransferMode = false;
  bool TurnOnLivePIDs = HasDecoder() && !StartTransferMode
                        && (IsEncrypted // CA channels can only be
decrypted in "live" mode
                           || LiveView


I could start a replay without breaking the recording as long as i
didn't stop the replay again (as I said I really don't understand whats
going on, just some experiments...).

The reason, why i don't want to use DO_MULTIPLE_RECORDINGS is this ever
annoying ringbuffer overflow that transfer.c produces every once in a
while which is in my case sometimes even braking the recordings... (its
not only me that has this problem, see or if i
switch off DO_MULTIPLE_RECORDINGS transfer.c will not be invoked for my
single card system and everything is fine.
But i would be glad if one could save the timeshift feature.

My system is a Pentium 133 with 1 DVB-s 1.3, running on kernel 2.4.18
(maybe that's the problem, see msg00187 from above? or maybe it's reiserfs?)

Best wishes,

*Christoph Gohle                                        *
*                                                       *
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