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[vdr] Timer priority bug?


After making some changes and tests with the analogTV plugin with the priority handling (which results in a fix ;-) I found a problem with the timer handling in the VDR core - maybe:

When a first timer eg. with prio 10 startes recording and after some minutes a 2nd timer with a higher prio starts and requires the same device the first one is stopped - that's ok. But when the 2nd is recording the first one tries nearly every second to get the (or any) device to continue its recording. This looks like useless CPU stress.

This doesn't happen when the 2nd timer has a lower priority. In this case the 2nd starts to get a device when the 1st has finished.

Ok, I see there may be a reason to check every seconds (eg. if a user stops timer 2) - but there should be an event to trigger the timer check.


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