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[vdr] Re: ALDI Remote Control
Jens Groth wrote:
> Hello,
> October 16th ALDI-Sued is offering the following IR-remote control
> (sorry for german it is an excerpt of the newsletter)
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>Lernfaehige 8 in 1 Universal-Fernbedienungen
> Einsetzbar fuer bis zu 8 verschiedene Audio-/Videogeraete
> per Direktanwahl.
> * Lernfaehigkeit durch zusaetzlichen EE-Prom (speichert
> bis zu 150 Befehle)
That would be a nice feature.
> * Flex Mode - flexible Belegung der Quellentasten,
> z.B. 3 x TV + 2 x VCR + 2 x SAT + 1 x DVD
> * vorprogrammiert zum Ersatz von Fernbedienungen der
> gaengigsten Marken
> * mit Videotext/Toptext-Funktion
> * Showview-Taste Verschiedene Farben.
> Mit Service-Hotline - auch sonn- und feiertags. 3 Jahre Garantie. je
> 6,99*
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> It looks similiar to the last offer, which I use for quite a time.
Is it the Medion 4688? If yes, did you manage to find a configuration
with unabiguous keys on _one_ device? Preferably in RC5 code to be
usable with the IR receiver of a Hauppauge Nexus board?
> For less than 7 EUR it is a real bargain.
Yes. I would try it, but I'm living in the Aldi north region.
> CU
> Jens
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