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[vdr] cannot start vdr if timers.conf is not empty


I have problems with starting VDR if timers.conf have content, it's
exiting. Tried this with vdr-1.2.5 and vdr-1.2.6pre2, it's the same.
I'm running Kernel 2.4.22.

I tracked this down till timers.conf in method cTimer::Parse():

     tChannelID cid = tChannelID::FromString(channelbuffer);
     channel = cid.Valid() ? Channels.GetByChannelID(cid, true) :
     if (!channel) {
        esyslog("ERROR: channel %s not defined", channelbuffer);
        result = false;

which exits with "ERROR: channel S19.2E-1-0-28226 not defined", because
is false and using atoi on channelbuffer="S19.2E-1-0-28226" is not
the appropriate method to convert that string.

Having following in entry in timers.conf:


and following belonging entry in channels.conf:

ARD - NDR FS NDS:12109:h:S19.2E:27500:2401:2402:2404:0:28226:1:0:0

looking in channels.h: cid.Valid() gets:

	bool Valid(void) { return tid && sid; } // nid and rid are optional and
source may be 0

but the entry in channels.conf gets a
and so a cid:Valid() = false; from that ok.

But why is the entry in channels.conf like that. It is scanned with the
scan utility from dvb-1.0.0, dvb-1.0.1 and dvb-2003-10-13, all having
the same result.

For first I changed cid.Valid() to:

  	bool Valid(void) { return sid; /*tid && sid;*/ } // nid and rid are
optional and source may be 0

not knowing which side effects this has, but for the moment it works.

Has anyone an idea what's the real problem behind this ?

Stefan-W. Hahn / /

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