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[vdr] Feature Request: Jump to End of recording?
- To:
- Subject: [vdr] Feature Request: Jump to End of recording?
- From: Ralf Klueber <>
- Date: Sun, 02 Nov 2003 11:15:42 +0100
- Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit
- Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Importance: Normal
- In-reply-to: <>
- Organization: Vodafone D2 GmbH
- Reply-to:
- Sender:
Just an idea. What about maintaining the length of the last jump. So
red - 5 - right - red - right -red -right
leads to three jumps of 5 minutes forward without inserting the 5 three
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Klaus Schmidinger
> Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 7:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: [vdr] Re: Jump to End of recording?
> Martin Elsner wrote:
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > While cutting my recordings I was wondering if there is a
> quick way to
> > jump to the end of a recording or jump in steps of 10
> minutes or so?
> > To go through the whole movie with fast forward isnt that fast and
> > spoils you if you havent seen the movie ;-)
> * Replay Control
> The following keys have the listed meaning in Replay mode:
> ...
> - Red Jump to a specific location. Enter the time you
> want to jump to
> and then press "Left" or "Right" to jump relative
> to the current
> position, "Up" to jump to an absolute position,
> and "Down" to
> jump and pause at an absolute position.
> To jump to the end of the recording just do Red-9-9-Right
> (add another '9' if the recording is longer than 99 minutes).
> Klaus
> --
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