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[vdr] Re: Start irexec at boot time

On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 11:03:46PM +0100, Simon Bauschulte wrote:
> Hi !
> I´m trying to start irexec at boot time under Suse (8.2), but don´t get
> it running. I can´t see any kind of error message in the log file. If I
> start it manually (../irexec -d /root/.lircrc) it works fine.
> I tried starting it from /etc/inittab; runvdr; /etc/init.d.
> I´ve got no idea what to do.

As you didn't mention lirc i guess you start irexec seperate and AFTER

Bis denn

Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as 
bad a concept in Text Editors as it is in women. No, the Real Programmer
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