Hi again,
On Thursday 13 November 2003 13:42, Jan Wagner wrote:
Am Don, 2003-11-13 um 10.42 schrieb Karsten Müller:
yesterday I got my Hauppauge PVR 250 and plugged it into my VDR. After
some struggles with kernelversions, module dependencies and stuff I
finally managed to load the module(s) without (visible) hiccups:
the README says that PVR cards are supported since version 0.9.15. After
some struggles (thanks to Andreas again), I have a working PVR-250 with
Oops, my README (0.9.14) told me, the card would be supported either... ?
What does that "Device or minor 0 not accepted" mean ?
I guess it means, that ivtv tries to register as this video device and
fails, because your 2 DVB-C have already registered as those devices.
I load the DVB modules prior to the ivtv stuff so the PVR device should
be /dev/video2 (I have 2 DVB-C cards)
The Syslog output looks quite ok to me... But when I zap to any
analogue channel, VDR "hangs" for a few seconds, stating:
The README to 0.9.21 says to load ivtv FIRST.
I did, but then my machine crashed, so I didn't want to do that again ;-)
Although I don't understand the "switching to channel 0 on device 0"
and then "switching to channel 0 on device 4" the finally selected
channel seems to be the one I zapped to (channel 159, SAT.1). As one
can see I even get the EPG for that channel (looks like magic to me...?
If I do a "cat /dev/video2 > /tmp/blafasel.mpg", then "file" tells me:
/tmp/blafasel.mpg: MPEG system stream data
so I suspect the device itself is working. If I look at that file using
mplayer I can see at least some "snow" like one gets on TV when no
channel is tuned in.
That's further than I got for the first time ;-)
Some additional background information:
VDR 1.2.1
analogTV 0.9.14
PVR driver CVS-LATEST as of November, 12th
DVB cards 2x Siemens DVB-C
PVR card Hauppauge PVR-250
Now my question is: What am I doing wrong, what did I miss ? How do I
have to configure the analogTV plugin ? Do I have to pass additional
commandline parameters to VDR ?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Well, upgrade to the latest ivtv (some patchwork needed), latest
analogtv and give it another try.
Thanks for the hints, I thought I already had the latest versions but I
had not.
With the new version I managed to get a picture on my vdr screen but another
problem showed up. The channels.conf from Hessen (of course) does not apply
to the channels in Hamburg (where I live). Is there a method to kinda do a
channel scan (I don't have X on my VDR so unfortunately xawtv is not an
option :-( ) Maybe anyone already has a channels.conf for Hamburg and
would be willing to post it to the list ?
Thanks in advance
- --
with best regards
- ---
Karsten Mueller
Softwaredevelopment / Keyaccount Manager
RATIO Entwicklungen GmbH
Admiralitaetstr. 59
20459 Hamburg
Email: mailto:kmu@ratio.de
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)