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[vdr] Re: Problem solved: ARD choppy sound
Hi Matthias,
Matthias Bodenbinder wrote on Sun, Nov 30 2003:
>a couple of people, including myself, have experienced choppy (stotternden)
>sound on ARD and other stations on the same transponder.
Yes, me for example.
[Answer from ARD]
>>Ursache der Tonbeeinträchtigung war scheinbar ein Chipsatz der Firma
>>Texas Instruments, der vor allem bei Decodern der älteren Generation
>>eingesetzt wurde. Die Tonstörung wurde durch ein Update (Downgrade)
>>der Audioencodersoftware beseitigt. Damit ist die ARD den
>>Geräteherstellern entgegenkommen. Eine senderseitige Verletzung des
>>DVB-Standards lag definitiv nicht vor.
I'll try to translate for our international readers:
"The sound-problems were appearantly caused by a certain chipset made
by Texas Instruments, which was mostly used in decoders of an elderly
generation. The sound problems were solved by an update (downgrade) of
the audio-encoding software. The ARD did this in order to compliment
the hardware manufacturers. The ARD did not violate the DVB-standard."
Sounds fishy to me. The problems are indeed gone, however I use the
latest Hauppauge Nexus-s, Rev. 2.2 and could repair the problems by
simply processing the files through vdrsync or PVAstrumento. Also not
only the sound was stuttering, also pictures had slight problems.
But of course ARD is innocent, yeah right.
Kind regards Frederick
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