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[vdr] Re: Possible correction for vdr.5? EPG Start Time and UTC..

Sergei Haller wrote:
Correct  me if I am wrong, but as far as I know, UTC just means "Universal
Coordinated  Time", which is just a specific timezone and is equivalent to
GMT ("Greenwich Mean Time").
so you can measure the time with whichever accuracy you would like.

time_t  type  stores  the  time,  as  you  have  pointed out correctly, in
I don't really know, so just skip the UTC part if it's wrong :-D

Nevertheless the unit of measurement of the time (here: seconds) should be added to the manual, since it confuses potential programmers - I had at least five cases on our IRC-Channel #vdr-portal complaining that their programs don't work as intended since most of the time-functions of many programming languages expect their timestamps in milliseconds....


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