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[vdr] Re: Workaround for UPT Errors

Hi Onno,

Onno Kreuzinger wrote on Fri, Dec 26 2003:

>>It's nothing fancy, suggestions for improvement are welcome (...)

>>Oh, it relies on "bc", because the shell was not able to process huge
>>integer-numbers (timestamps) like 200312251734.

>hi, well do you need that time resolutiuon ?

If you put it that way: probably not ;-)

>i used expr and the time-since-epoch format from date +%s.

As I wrote "suggestions for improvement welcome", your answer is
definately an improvement, thank you very much. Calling the emergency
exit directly within remux.c (see other answer in this thread) is
still an even better solution, which I implemented right away. But of
course, no UPT happened since then ;-) (Murphy's law obviously).

>(...) since the dc/bc pakage is sometimes hatd to figure out for 
>beginners (i.e. the rpm is namend dc, while you use/mention bc...)

Hm, I use Debian and a "apt-get install bc" did the trick.

Kind regards  Frederick

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