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[vdr] Bug in runvdr: running VDR as user 'vdr' doesn't work out of the box

Consider the following excerpt from runvdr:
while (true) do
      su -c "$VDRCMD" $VDRUSR

This doesn't work, $VDRCMD is always run as the calling user (so most likely 
as root). su should instead be called in the following way:
      su $VDRUSR -c "$VDRCMD"

On my system, the su application is provided by sys-apps/shadow-4.0.3-r9. 
Maybe there are other versions out there that don't need the username as 
first parameter...

To see the different behaviour of both variants run as root in /root:

root # su -c "ls" vdr
[some files in /root]
-> ls is able to read the /root directory, so it's still running as root

root # su vdr -c "ls"
ls: .: Permission denied
-> now ls is correctly run as user vdr, so access to /root is denied.


P.S.: Now that my VDR finally run as vdr, I also had to add the user vdr to 
group video so he is allowed to access /dev/v4l/video0. Furthermore, I had to 
change the /dev/dvb/* permissions, but this is distribution-specific (I'm 
using Gentoo 1.4). I did not use the Gentoo VDR ebuilds but compiled it the 
traditional way. Maybe the ebuild would have set the permissions correctly...

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